Saturday, July 16, 2022

Newly discovered

 Came across this by accident tonight. I wonder if I should begin to use this expression again. It's been many of these since last used. Does anybody blog with words anymore?


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Question Authority

How do we express our commonality with those we do not agree?  Is it possible to be an activist and still actively love those with whom our being seems to be at polar opposite?

Should we even attempt to find common ground?

With so many speaking out their truth in today's world it's hard to not consider everyone as self righteous.

Yet we are convinced that we are correct and so goes the wall building between people.

Seek the simple. Simple truths of love, compassion and justice. Walk in another's moccasin. Find the center where a still small voice brings comfort.  Find your way of balancing who you are and what you are believing with those around you. Never be ashamed to speak of love, compassion and justice.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Luke 24:16-35

After the resurrection Jesus appeared to travelars who knew of the past events but did not know him.

In conversation he explained all of scripture that  spoke of his life, death and resurrection, yet they still did not know who they were speaking with.

As evening approached they implored Jesus to stay with them, it certainly was a hospitable thing to do.

When they sat down to eat together Jesus prayed over the food and broke the bread to share with each of them as well as himself.

As if a light were turned on from the inside to disperse the darkness of a room, they realized who they were with and before they could ask another question Jesus was gone.

How interesting that in contrast to the many words that were spoken, a connection was made in a simple act of prayer and the sharing of a meal.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Hold me close. Let me hear the rhythm of your song. Embrace me uncertainty. With me, journey along.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Submergent Church

In earth science a submergent coastline is a coastline which has experienced a rise in sea level, either due to a global sea level change, or local subsidence. Submergent coastlines are identifiable by their submerged, or "drowned" landforms, such as rias (drowned valleys) and fjords. The Baltic coastline, Chesapeake Bay and southern England are famous submergent coastlines.

A submergent church definition –: One that through prophetic natural processes abandons the traditional drowning, gasping for life, church structure that is being overwhelmed from the rise of an inevitable tsunami of cultural change and in so doing discovers gills with which to flourish below and a part from the submerged surface of the institutional church.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Visiting Churches

Candy and I attended First United Methodist on 3rd Ave in Yuma today.  The church was packed.  While it's nice to see a church filled it is a bit unsettling to see a church in Yuma with so little diversity. We are going to, over the next few weeks visit some churches in town.  I think Candy will write a review of the churches as we go.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Thought I'd say hi.:-))

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Sometimes a trip into the backyard is as inspiring as a trip to the other side of the world.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Simply praying that the momentum I achieved coasting down the last hill is enough to get me over the next.

Blog in the Forest

If a post is made and there are no comments, did it really happen?
A new day filled with new promise. I'll settle for a simple way just to get through it.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Ok, I'm a little mystified, how we spend so much for medical care and simple things like recording medications taking does not happen. I now see also the great amount of discretion nurses havr in administering pain medication. You can be crying please help to walls without ears. Hospitals, healing centers? Or the last stop before eternity.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Upstream or Downstream?

As it turns out there is no up or downstream.  We all are treading water in an ocean of despair.
Politicians continue to argue upstream on how best to save the babies downstream, while countless more gasp for their last breath....

Revolución del corazón

Necesitamos un revolución del corazón. Vamos al calle con amor.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Drowning babies.... and healthcare

One summer in the village, the people in the town gathered for a picnic. As they leisurely shared food and conversation, someone noticed a baby in the river, struggling and crying. The baby was going to drown!
Someone rushed to save the baby. Then, they noticed another screaming baby in the river, and they pulled that baby out. Soon, more babies were seen drowning in the river, and the townspeople were pulling them out as fast as they could. It took great effort, and they began to organize their activities in order to save the babies as they came down the river. As everyone else was busy in the rescue efforts to save the babies, two of the townspeople started to run away along the shore of the river.
"Where are you going?" shouted one of the rescuers. "We need you here to help us save these babies!"
"We are going upstream to stop whoever is throwing them in!"

Monday, October 20, 2008


Sometimes it seems life is a series of stops and starts.
Just as this blog found its stopping place a few years ago, it now will start again.
In truth, life, living, never really cease motion. We merely find another place to plant our feet when the rock we step on in the stream of life is just a little too slippery and in so doing continue to move forward.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

We are cats in the street

This week I have been reminded that we are all ragamuffins.
  • I heard on Jeopardy that ragamuffin was a type of cat found in the streets.
  • A friend of mine simply trying to find his way spent a night in jail and is thinking of change.
  • A woman franticly weeping came in as prayer ended. She lamented an ongoing fight with her 11 year old daughter, who she believed was the only redemption in the rape she sustained at her conception. Others, "Godly people" tell her to just give her life over to the Lord. She insists that the Spirit and her soul were the only ones there through all her trials. I could only hold her as she wept.

When will we stop giving answers as a substitute for compassion? We are all cats wandering on the streets of life. Let us recognize that God is present in our longing, the very moment we long to connect with the divine.